Tagungsort: FU Berlin, Altensteinstr. 2, 14195 Berlin, Raum K011 bzw. 104
Funding: DFG GZ Zw 164-9/1 and -7/1.
9.00 Introduction
9.30 Dr. Fabrice Micallef (Nantes/Inst. Univ. de France) Sovereignty and the protection of the duke of Anjou over Cambrai (1579-1584)
10.15 Prof. Dr. Silvio de Franceschi (EPHE Paris) Venice, the Interdict, Sarpi and Sovereignty
- break -
11.30 Prof. Dr. Robert von Friedeburg (Bishop Grosseteste University): ´Patria´ and ´Fatherland´ in 17th century French-German Comparison: Imperium / Landesherrschaft of German Princes and their ways to sovereignty
14.00 Prof. Dr. Michael J. Breen (Reed College): 'Le prince doit avoir une autorité souveraine sur les mariages': Annulments, Sovereignty, and the State in Early Modern France
14.45 Prof. Dr. Philippe Denis (Univ. of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa): Richer, Bodin and Sovereignty
- break -
16.00 Prof. Dr. David Dyzenhaus (Univ. of Toronto): Hobbes and the Healthy Sovereign
16.45 Prof. Dr. Kenneth Pennington (Univ. of Washington): Sovereignty and Property Rights
- break -
18.00 Joshua Freed, cand. phil. (Univ. of California, Berkeley): Giulio Pace and Sovereignty
9.00 Prof. Dr. Andrew Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary Univ. of London): Company state(s) and Sovereignty
9.45 Ass. Prof. Dr. Nicholas Abbott (Old Dominion University): A rule of confiscation for India?: Property, ‘escheat’, and the performance of sovereignty in late-Mughal South Asia, c. 1650–1850
- break -
11.00 Prof. Dr. Mark Ravina (Univ. of Texas, Austin) The King of Ryukyu and the Grand Rabbi of Smyrna: Stratified Sovereignties and the Missionary Gaze
11.45 PD Dr. habil. Cornel Zwierlein (FU Berlin): Sovereignty and Untranslatability. European International Law, France, the Ottoman Empire and the Barbary States 1720-1740
14.30 Dr. Tiraana Bains (Dartmouth College): Reconceptualizing Sovereignty across the Mughal and British Empires, 1750-1800
- break -
16.00 Prof. Dr. Daniel Lee (Univ. of California, Berkeley) Officia humanitatis and Sovereignty from Bodin to Pufendorf
Final discussion
The Power of the Dispersed. Early Modern Travelers beyond Integration
A conference on pre-circulated papers preparing a Brill volume in the series ´Intersections`: Early Modern Individual migrants and travelers often did not form part of classic ´diaspora´ situations or communities: they frequently never really settled, instead wandering, perhaps remaining abroad for some time in one place, then traveling further to another: we ask for the degrees and frameworks of agency they had or could gain, in European, Mediterranean and global contexts.
Digital conference via webex.
Please ask for the webex link to participate cornel.zwierlein@fu-berlin.de.
18 December 2020
Dispersed by faith, dispersing Religion
9.30 Dr Stefano Saracino (Univ. Jena / LMU München) The Album Amicorum of the Athonite Monk Theoklitos Polyeidis and the Agency of perambulating Greek Almscollectors in the Holy Roman Empire
10.15 Dr Cesare Santus (FNRS, RSCS – Université catholique de Louvain) The great imposture. Eastern Christian rogues and counterfeiters in Rome, 17th-19th century
Dispersed in the Early Modern Web of Science
11.00 Dr José-Luis Egío (MPIeRG Frankfurt/M / Akad. Wiss. Mainz) ‘Experience of the Land’ and Empowerment of Travelling Scholastics: The Emergence of Empirical Normative Authority in Early Modern Spanish America
11.45 Dr Paula Manstetten (Univ. Bamberg / DFG Focus program): Self-Fashioning and the Agency of Arab Christians in Early Modern Europe: the Case of Salomon Negri and his Ego-Documents
13.30 Dr Simon Mills (Univ. of Newcastle): Johann Callenberg´s Orient
14.15 [15.15 Sofia] Dr Iordan Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia): Nomads in the early modern republic of letters: the evidence of the correspondence of the early Royal Society of London
Dispersed by War, Captivity
15.15h [his time 9.15 AM Bogota or still in Spain] Prof. Adolfo Polo y la Borda (University de los Andes, Colombia): A Captive’s Threat: The Marquis of Varinas and His Elusive Freedom
16.00 [in Spain] Prof. Ana Rodriguez-Rodriguez (Univ. of Iowa): Stories of Spanish Captivity in Istanbul: from Trauma to Empowerment
16.45 / 8.45 AM US West Coast Prof. David Nelson (Californian Lutheran University): From Erstwhile Captive to Cultural Erudite: The Career of Korean-born Samurai, Wakita Kyūbei
17.30 (Eur) / 9.30 AM US WestCoast Prof. Baki Tezcan (UC Davis): The Golden Gate of the Languages is Open, or is it not? Ali Ufki/Wojciech Bobowski and the limits of cosmopolitanism in the seventeenth century (and today)
19 December 2020
Dispersed in Commercial, Political and Diplomatic Networks
9.15 Dr David do Paço (Sciences Po, Paris): title t.b.a.
10.30 Dr Edoardo Angione (Univ. Roma III): In Parte d'Infedeli: a Papal Informant in Istanbul (1607-1608)
11.45 Dr Maria Tsampika Lampitsi (Univ. Cyprus): Religious feeling and the construction of a merchant’s identity in the Greek trade networks of the late eighteenth century
14.00 PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (FU Berlin, Heisenberg Stelle): Dispersed Things. European Merchant Households in the Levant
14.45 Dr Marloes Aydemir Cornelissen (Sabancı University, Istanbul): From Bern with love: The spy with a taste for the exquisite in early modern Istanbul
[Final Discussion]
Mallory Hope and Burton Westermeier (Graduate students, Yale) have collaborated to edit the English of non-native speakers for the Brill volume in preparation.
Establishment of a Database of Levant Merchants´ Book Possession and Households based on Inventories and related sources (DFG project ´Sachbeihilfe´, Geschäftszeichen Zw[ierlein] 164-7/1)
Several collaborators are contributing on a service contract basis to that
Sebastian Jeßegus, MA, PhD student (Bochum), entering data concerning book possession and book auctions
Felicia Duschek, student, FU Berlin
past: Savannah Turner, student, FU Berlin, Patricia Scheuch, Archival apprenticeship (Koblenz/Marburg),
entering data concerning Household inventories and material culture
Workshops and presentations done so far:
4th International Conference of the Sylvia Ioanou Foundation "Textualising the Experience - Digitalising the Text: Cyprus through Travel Literature (15th-18th century), 6-8 February 2019, contribution on The Presence of European Travel Literature in the Libraries of European Merchants in the Levant
Presentation in the Oberseminar of Prof. Häberlein, January 24, 2019
At the occastion of the 50th anniversary of the journal Il pensiero politico, September 28, 2018, lecture on The Mediterranean Trading Empires in Early Modern Political Thought
Panel ´Close Distance. Social Segregation in Trading Empires and Colonies´, Historikertag Münster September 26, 2018
Room JO1, 9:00-11:00
Priv.Doz. Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Bamberg/Erfurt/Bochum) / Dr. Florian Wagner (Erfurt/GHI Berkeley)
Prof. Dr. Remco Raben (Utrecht/Amsterdam): Moral communities in Dutch Asia: Trust and exclusion in colonial societies in the 18th century
Kelsey Champagne, PhD cand. (Yale/New Haven): Belief and Unbelonging: Catholicism in the British Atlantic, 1660-1714
Priv.Doz. Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Bamberg/Erfurt): Ignoring the Other´s Religion. Western Merchant Colonies in the Levant and the Eastern Churches, 1650-1800
Dr. Florian Wagner (Erfurt/GHI Berkeley): Cultural Relativism, Labor Migration, Racial Segregation in Colonial Africa (1890 to 1930s)
Report of the Presentation at Münster
Bamberg University, June 19
Workshop on Late Medieval and Early Modern Inventories
with Professor Daniel Smail (Late Medieval History, Harvard University)
An intensive dialogue between theory and sources: what is an inventory? what are its forms and the organization of its narrative? how do the social, linguistic and cultural contexts shape its content? what are advantages and disadvantages of quantitative vs. qualitative forms of inventory analysis? what can we learn of inventories about culture, arts, reading culture, beyond the ´material culture´ of households?
Prof. Dr. Daniel Smail: Reading and Interpreting Household Inventories: A Methodological Essay
- Testing Theory on the Sources -
Prof. Dr. Mark Häberlein (Bamberg): A heritage contract with inventory by the Salzburg merchant Franz Anton Spängler from 1784
PD Dr. Magnus Ressel (Frankfurt): Inventories from eighteenth century Merchant records (Lyon, Venice)
PD Dr. Heinrich Lang (Bamberg): The household of a cardinal, Giovanni Salviati
Priv.Doz. Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Bamberg/Erfurt): Inventories of French and British eighteenth century merchants and consuls in the Mediterranean
This workshop is open to the public and is also linked with the Oberseminar of the chair of Early Modern History and Regional History, Bamberg.
Place: Am Kranen 14, Raum 00.03
96047 Bamberg
If interested to attend, please contact cornel.zwierlein@uni-bamberg.de
June 20, 2018
Guest lecture at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt
Prof. Dr. Daniel Smail (Harvard): Making Lists in Late Medieval Europe
Steinplatz 2, Seminarraum 706 b, 6. Etage,
10.15-12.00 h
In 2017, Cornel Zwierlein had nominated Alan Mikhail for the Anneliese-Maier-Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung. Acting from his position as Heisenberg-Fellow (Stipendiat, then Heisenberg-Stelle) he was working as his German cooperation partner together with him on the realization of the 5year-project planned, its core being a travel-grant program started successfully with a first call in 2018. The winners 2020 are announced here.
Anneliese-Meier-Award 2018
Prof. Mikhail was in Summer 2019 in Europe for a series of workshops, lectures and round-table talk, fulfilling by that also the purpose of the Anneliese-Maier-Award to make his research and new projects better known across the Atlantic; parts of this is organized by C. Zwierlein as his host (Gastgeber, Kooperationspartner) in Germany, relying on the network already settled during the nomination process (June/July Amsterdam, FU Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Heidelberg, Bamberg)
Workshop at the occasion of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation´s Anneliese-Maier Award Ceremony 2018 to
Professor Dr. Alan Mikhail (Yale University)
Inauguration of the Humboldt Yale History network and its travel-grant program with an open-theme discussion on "The Early Modern World"
Berlin, September 11, 2018 with
Erik de Lange (Univ. Utrecht), Henning Schuler (EUI Florence), Kathrin Kleemann (Rachel-Carson Center, LMU Munich), Fredrik Kämpe (University of Stockholm), Sebastian Jeßegus (Univ. Bochum), PD Dr Heinrich Lang (University of Bamberg), Dr Johann Petitjean (Univ. Poitiers), Dr Onur Idal (Univ. Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Yavuz Köse (Univ. Hamburg)